Wednesday, January 28, 2009

An Apology

Ok, just what is the title of this Blog all about? Chickens? Acually it originates from my first hearing of the term "Apologetics" - a strange word in little use these days and misunderstood by anyone with a high school education from any of our government run institutions (clue - If you graduate with a 10th grade education - you're in a great public school). Those in private schools just might have a glimmer and Christian education should be FULL of it!
Anyone who knows me grants that I'm a bit intrigued by words and will not be suprised at my play on this polysyliblaic for my Blog identity. It was the first title I thought of when I concidered writing a blog - I should name it "Apology!" Of course, I can't leave well enough alone and had to have some fun with this!

Life is a weird, confusing, exciting, hard, and uncertain experience and this blog will be the same and Yes, there will be chickens!